All Eyes on Jesus


This vibrant painting is painted  with acrylic paint on primed cotton. This is a 16×20 inches painting.  The painting is not mounted or framed. Mounting/framing services available separately.

All Eyes on Jesus – This painting began with the vision of an eye followed by seeing several eyes in the upcoming days. A timely reminder for me to keep my eyes on Jesus and to remind me that His eyes are on me. He sees me.


Our eyes have the potential to lead us into various paths – some good and some bad. Our decision are often based on what we can see. In a world full of distraction, it’s easy to lose focus and pursue whatever we set our eyes on. We get caught up in our- daily routines, worries, and desires, and we forget about the one who should be at the center of our lives and the center of our focus – Jesus.


Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” Hebrews 12:2




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