When tragedies happen, the biggest cry of human heart is, where is God in all of this or why didn’t an omnipotent God stop the tragedy? Even as a believer in the goodness of God, I am not immune to these questions. Last night while looking at the news on California fires, my heart had the same questions. “Why Lord?” Right after that, I was reading the story of Job in the Bible. The man was righteous and he suffered unbelievable heartache and physical pain. A few things that stood out to me last night are,
– Humans in this broken world will not be able to avoid physical death, no matter how hard we try.
– tragedy and pain come to everyone.
– God is sovereign, and He knows everything and is all powerful, but He doesn’t control everything for reasons that will shape us for the better, even through trials and tragedy. Faith is often tested through trials, and faith is an important aspect in Godās big picture, even if humans disregard it and disrespect it. Like in Job’s story, there are many factors to every tragedy. Jesus Himself said, “In this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world.” So Jesus’s gospel was not always about a perfect, pain-free life here on earth, but it is most importantly about the future, after this world, our eternal life.
– Our lives can not be extended beyond what God has planned for us. When it is time, we go!
– Godās promise to never leave us nor forsake us remains. He is close to the broken hearted and heals their wounds. And through it, He calls them to set their eyes on Him. This world and everything in it will pass away but His faithful love will never pass away.
Tragedies like this bring us to our knees, we recognize the frailty and passing nature of life. Not one person is immune from such disasters. It could have been any of us. But in all the pain, there is still hope for the hurting.
I share this painting named “Another in the Fire”. Where is Jesus in the midst of the raging fire? He is with them.
#californiafires #prayforcalifornia #lafires #anotherinthefire