Author: sukijoseph

Jehovah Tsidkenu

After not painting for a month, I opened my Bible, hoping to hear from God and be inspired. The first scripture that I read was Isaiah 11:1,“There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. ” (written between 740 and 701 BC). Then, I […]

Who, What, Why?

Being a woman of Indian origin, I have had many people ask me or imply to me of why I worship a Western god. I have heard some of my Indian friends say that Jesus is a Western god and Indians should worship Indian gods. Having immigrated to a Western country, it sometimes seems to […]

Faith and Truth

I have been pondering about several things and this morning, while having a conversation with God, two words stuck out to me – FAITH and TRUTH. I have observed that often, we tend to treat these two things as mutually exclusive. When it comes to faith, we often think we have to blindly believe whatever […]

Taste and See

This is an original acrylic painting that I painted recently ( June,2024) Honey is sweet. There is nothing naturally sweeter than that.Honey, to me, symbolizes God’s presence and his sweetness. His presence is gentle, sweet, and life-giving. Honey has healing properties.When my kids were little and when they had seasonal allergies,one of the local farmers […]


For months, I had been reflecting on this scripture, even written it on a note card placed on my desk as a constant reminder. Interestingly, eyes have also been a recurring theme in my recent paintings. The scripture reads, “having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to […]

It is Finished!

Today is Ash Wednesday, and it marks the beginning of Lent. This morning, I was reading through the Bible and accidentally (was it?) came across the passage in Leviticus. All the rest of the bull—he shall carry outside the camp to a clean place, to the ash heap, and shall burn it up on a […]

The Wind

I am typing this as we are nearing the end of our 2000-mile road trip to Ohio and Niagara. We are driving into Iowa now. Iowa has been our home for the past 11 years. One thing you can’t miss while entering into this state is wind turbines scattered across either side of the interstate. […]

In Jesus’ Name

This painting has the name of Jesus written in 61 languages. If you see a mistake in your language, please reach out. If I have missed adding your language, please let me know, and I am happy to add it in. Now, a bit about the painting – read on if you are curious about […]