Inspiration For This Painting
“And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” Luke 2:35
Mary, the mother of Jesus, heard these words prophesied over her during her visit to the temple with her newborn son, Jesus. 32 years later, the prophecy would be fulfilled when she stood by the cross, watching her son, crucified. A Roman soldier would take a spear and pierce the side of Jesus to see if he was still alive and the witness reports say that “blood and water poured out of his side”. As the spear pierced through Jesus’s side, a sword pierced through Mary’s soul.
One woman’s grief became the salvation for the whole world. Another prophecy came true that day… A prophecy that Mary’s cousin Elizabeth spoke over her when Mary was pregnant with Jesus.
In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! – Luke 1:42
Mary was indeed blessed, not as we would expect blessings to be. All of her grief and pain were wrapped in that blessing. Without that grief, without her loss, her blessing wouldn’t be a blessing at all.
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