Lesson Details
Classes will be one hour each week on Wednesdays from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm at a West des Moines venue. Children will learn everything from basics of using pencil to advanced techniques in various mediums with more focus on acrylics and watercolor mediums. I am a multi disciplinary artist and that allows me to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each child in various mediums. Instead of enforcing a specific style, children will be allowed to explore and strengthen their imagination and creativity and learn to use techniques and tools to create beautiful works of art. Classes will have lot of one-on-one interaction with lot of hands-on time with various mediums. An internal strength assessment with level markers will be used to assess strength and weaknesses. It is encouraged that every child is allowed at least 5 to 6 months of time of learning and practicing to see positive results.
Art Materials
Children are encouraged to use materials purchased through this website(click here). Art kits purchased through this website are created with lessons, quality and quantity in mind. However, if you would like to purchase materials yourselves, please reach out to me at [email protected] to get an exhaustive list of art materials. Kids will be required to have their own art materials for efficient learning.
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