Faith and Truth

I have been pondering about several things and this morning, while having a conversation with God, two words stuck out to me – FAITH and TRUTH.

I have observed that often, we tend to treat these two things as mutually exclusive. When it comes to faith, we often think we have to blindly believe whatever is taught to us by spiritual VIPs or our ancestors, and no questions should ever be asked. We often equate faith with believing in myths and mythologies passed on to us through others. We know truth is important, and truth has a place in the science lab but not in faith. We are afraid to test our faith and seek answers so we settle for faith that is easy, fairytale like, and blindly believe.
I have observed that there are two kinds of people, people who frown at the thought that faith =blind belief. Another group of people that think faith = blind belief is noble and needs to be encouraged. Questioning and asking questions is seen as blasphemous or arrogant.

During my conversation with God this morning , I realized there is another position, a position where faith and truth coexist. We do not discuss this position often. and tend to lean to the extremes. But it is imperative that we consider this position because this is the position of the Divine. God is truth, in Him, there is no lie, darkness, or shadow. Thus, faith in the Divine can not be mindless or blind. Faith can not be simply believing in something simply because that’s what we have been taught or used to. Faith should meet with the truth. Faith can not be the absence or ignorance of truth. Faith without truth is misplaced trust. Faith must be balanced with truth for truth is what brings freedom and faith is what makes us righteous, bringing us into a right standing with the Divine. Who we trust and what we believe in is of paramount importance. Without it, we will be blind, or worse, blind guides leading the blind.

My prayer is for God to illuminate our blindness, to open our eyes to the realities of God’s justice, God’s righteousness, God’s absolute Holiness, God’s glory, God’s power, God’s wisdom, God’s goodness, God’s light and God’s immeasurable compassion and grace.

#truth #faith #doodle