Tag: prayer

Intimacy With God

Getting to know God personally is  the most fulfilling thing you will ever have in your life. It’s often difficult to grasp because we wonder if we can ever know God personally. My journey to experience God more personally probably began in my late middle school / high school years. I can’t point to a […]

Pathway to Peace

We live in uncertain times. It’s almost as if everything is written on vapor and as if we stand on shifting ground. The pandemic has rewritten life and it has left, for many, a lasting impact. The pandemic has highlighted the truth about life and how fragile it can be. We feel like we have […]

Oh My Heart!

My kids were watching TV and I heard the all familiar phrase “Follow Your Heart”. I’ve heard other phrases along the same line, “You be who you want to be” or “Believe in your dreams”. All these phrases emphasize on the power of your heart and your thoughts. While I’m all for positive thoughts and […]

The Story Behind My Name

Every name has a story behind it. No matter how trivial, the story makes the name special. I’ve got a story too, for each of the names I have. But today, I wanted to share the story behind the name I rarely use. Not many people know that I was named “Mercy” when I was […]

Umbrella Dance

It was raining while we were travelling in our car the day before yesterday and my 2 year old daughter suddenly realized she needed an umbrella to dance in the rain. My husband and I reasoned with her throughout the entire trip and she finally agreed to use my umbrella for dancing when we got […]