A father’s love is special in every way, a love so special that it cannot be compared with any other kind of love. Even when it’s correction and discipline, a father’s love is covered in grace and compassion. There is usually a tenderness to the stern voice. A father’s heart longs for deep relationship with his children and while he may not always express it openly, he desires an intimate bond with his children. No one cheers a child better than a father. Be it a baseball game or a college graduation, a father knows how to cheer, sometimes loudly, sometimes silently. He walks with their children as long as he can, wanting the best for them.
When Jesus taught his disciples to pray, He opened it with the phrase “Our Father”, a reminder to refocus our identity in relationship with God. Our Heavenly Father, like our earthly father, is tender and compassionate. He desires the best for us. He desires that we have abundant lives and a deep intimate relationship with Him. When we mess up, like any good father, he corrects and disciplines us but his correction and discipline is always covered in grace and mercy. He cheers us on through different phases of our, even if we do not realize it. Like a good father, He provides for our needs at the right time, never too early nor too late.

Have you forgotten your identity in relationship with Him? It’s never late. He will never say no to a returning child. Have you missed your earthly father in your life? Lean on to your Heavenly Father. He loves you more than the your earthly father. He truly does.