
Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
Isaiah 64:8 NIV

We are often quick to recognize how valuable our life is but we often forget who the author of that life is. Isaiah, one of the most popular prophets in the Bible recognizes God’s power because he had seen God’s glory, first hand. When you read the book of Isaiah in the Bible, you see magnificent dreams and visions. All of his visions were awe inspiring and no wonder Isaiah recognized God’s power and His sovereignty. Isaiah believed humans were the clever work of a magnificent God.

This passage leads to the question- where does our worth and value come from? Is it defined by what we have accomplished and how successful we are? If our value is defined by who we are, we must recognize that our perceived success and accomplishment last only for a time. Eventually they lose value and someone else becomes more powerful. If our worth and value is dependant on who we are and if we look for value within us – our inner self, we will be quickly disappointed. Isaiah recognized this and He wrote, “we are the work of your hand”. In our quest for independence, freedom and self reliance, we cannot reject the one who formed us and sustains us. The truth that we did not create ourselves and that we do not have to pull ourselves up when we mess up is true freedom. This journey called life wasn’t meant to prove whose the toughest or the strongest or the one with most grit. Life was meant to be lived in union with our Creator. When we break that union, we hurt ourselves in the process. We lose meaning and purpose for life. We are God’s masterpieces. When He created us, He created us with divine purposes, unique to each individual. When we align our hearts with His, we understand these plans. Would we allow our Maker, the Potter, to shape us and mold us?