Tag: peace

Pursue Peace

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18 We live in a world divided over everything. The endless social media wars fueled by polarized media has led to more and more division. Yesterday I was reading a comments section for a social media post asking […]

Pathway to Peace

We live in uncertain times. It’s almost as if everything is written on vapor and as if we stand on shifting ground. The pandemic has rewritten life and it has left, for many, a lasting impact. The pandemic has highlighted the truth about life and how fragile it can be. We feel like we have […]

Is Daddy Sad?

About an hour back, before my 2 year old daughter went on her afternoon nap, with sleepy eyes blurted out, “Amma, appa sad ayittu poitanagala?”, which means “Mom, did daddy go away because he was sad?”. My husband had come home for lunch and before heading back to work he said his good byes to his […]