Category: Grace

Jehovah Tsidkenu

After not painting for a month, I opened my Bible, hoping to hear from God and be inspired. The first scripture that I read was Isaiah 11:1,“There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. ” (written between 740 and 701 BC). Then, I […]

It is Finished!

Today is Ash Wednesday, and it marks the beginning of Lent. This morning, I was reading through the Bible and accidentally (was it?) came across the passage in Leviticus. All the rest of the bull—he shall carry outside the camp to a clean place, to the ash heap, and shall burn it up on a […]

The Gift of Lent

Lent is a season of reflecting on the cross and remembering the resurrection. Millions of followers of Jesus around the world consider this an important season that climaxes with Good Friday and Easter. It’s been almost 2000 years since the original events of Christ’s death and resurrection, and somehow, the cross is still relevant today. […]


I love the name Immanuel so much that we picked it as the middle name for our son. Immanuel – God with us. When I was pregnant with my son, our lease at the apartment we were living in was ending and as our family was growing we wanted to buy our own home. So […]

As Is

After coming to the US, I learned a new phrase – “As Is”. I first learned it in a furniture store. I had just moved to US after getting married in India and this would be our first home together. We were in the hunt for the perfect furniture for a new home. We found […]

Complicated Faith

I think we have made faith to be a very complicated matter. As humans, I think there is something innate in us to earn things instead of freely receiving it. When we see something that’s free or easy, we immediately think it must be cheap. We like to earn our way in faith too. We […]

Amazing Grace?

I love the song “Amazing Grace”. Is grace truly amazing though? When our sins are forgiven, it is. When God wipes our slate clean and says “you are forgiven and you don’t have to earn it”, it’s amazing! What isn’t amazing though is when we have to extend that grace to others. Grace is anything […]

A Hike Gone Wrong

Couratallam in South India is one place I loved visiting as a child. The town is very popular for its many water falls. Our family has visited this place several time. One such time, more than 40 of us, all closely related family members, made an epic trip to Courtallam. It was epic for various […]