Tag: jesus

Where is God in Tragedy?

When tragedies happen, the biggest cry of human heart is, where is God in all of this or why didn’t an omnipotent God stop the tragedy? Even as a believer in the goodness of God, I am not immune to these questions. Last night while looking at the news on California fires, my heart had […]

Who, What, Why?

Being a woman of Indian origin, I have had many people ask me or imply to me of why I worship a Western god. I have heard some of my Indian friends say that Jesus is a Western god and Indians should worship Indian gods. Having immigrated to a Western country, it sometimes seems to […]


For months, I had been reflecting on this scripture, even written it on a note card placed on my desk as a constant reminder. Interestingly, eyes have also been a recurring theme in my recent paintings. The scripture reads, “having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to […]

The Wind

I am typing this as we are nearing the end of our 2000-mile road trip to Ohio and Niagara. We are driving into Iowa now. Iowa has been our home for the past 11 years. One thing you can’t miss while entering into this state is wind turbines scattered across either side of the interstate. […]

Take Up The Cross

When Jesus called his disciples, they left behind their livelihood – their fishing nets and boats, their tax collecting booths and money, their business and home. They thought Jesus was the one they had waited for all their lives, the Messiah that will help them overcome the Romans and restore Israel’s glory and bring independence. […]

Darkness Has Not Overcome

One of my favorite things to do around Christmas time is to go around the streets and see Christmas lights. There is something about tiny colorful lights twinkling in the darkness of the night. John, the disciple of Jesus, begins His account with the words “In the beginning”. He then goes on to describe Jesus, […]


I love the name Immanuel so much that we picked it as the middle name for our son. Immanuel – God with us. When I was pregnant with my son, our lease at the apartment we were living in was ending and as our family was growing we wanted to buy our own home. So […]

Steadfast Love

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,    for his steadfast love endures forever. Psalms 136:1 About 40 people wrote the Bible and all the authors invariably talk about God’s love. Over a period of 1500 years, about 40 people consistently testify to His steadfast love. Among the authors were kings, prophets, nomads, fishermen, noblemen, a tent […]

Eternity in Heart

Every time you lose someone you love, it’s a pause from the normal. Grief allows us to boldly ask the bigger questions – what is the meaning of life. What matters most? On a normal day, we may not give a passing thought to anything other than today. We run from one thing to another […]