Author: sukijoseph

Darkness Has Not Overcome

One of my favorite things to do around Christmas time is to go around the streets and see Christmas lights. There is something about tiny colorful lights twinkling in the darkness of the night. John, the disciple of Jesus, begins His account with the words “In the beginning”. He then goes on to describe Jesus, […]


I love the name Immanuel so much that we picked it as the middle name for our son. Immanuel – God with us. When I was pregnant with my son, our lease at the apartment we were living in was ending and as our family was growing we wanted to buy our own home. So […]


As I’m typing this, I’m sitting at the airport, waiting for my flight. I look around and I see people with masked faces, walking past me. And yes you guessed it, everyone is carrying a baggage or more. Some have fancy bags while others have a back pack. Some baggages are on wheels. I just […]

Steadfast Love

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,    for his steadfast love endures forever. Psalms 136:1 About 40 people wrote the Bible and all the authors invariably talk about God’s love. Over a period of 1500 years, about 40 people consistently testify to His steadfast love. Among the authors were kings, prophets, nomads, fishermen, noblemen, a tent […]

As Is

After coming to the US, I learned a new phrase – “As Is”. I first learned it in a furniture store. I had just moved to US after getting married in India and this would be our first home together. We were in the hunt for the perfect furniture for a new home. We found […]

Eternity in Heart

Every time you lose someone you love, it’s a pause from the normal. Grief allows us to boldly ask the bigger questions – what is the meaning of life. What matters most? On a normal day, we may not give a passing thought to anything other than today. We run from one thing to another […]


Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.Isaiah 64:8 NIV We are often quick to recognize how valuable our life is but we often forget who the author of that life is. Isaiah, one of the most popular prophets in […]

Count The Cost

In the past, I had somehow come to think that devotion to God was a means to get good things in life. A good career, a great family, lots of money and a fancy lifestyle. Don’t get me wrong. These are sometimes good and can be benefitial to us and others around us but there […]